Sunday, August 18, 2013

Catch up...

Okay, seriously, it's been almost three months since I've done a blog post.  So much has happened since May 25th.  Where do I even begin? Ah yes...little Liam. As always he is a very busy boy which means I am a very busy momma.

Back in June I had signed Liam up for a Sertraline (Zoloft) trial. Supposedly it can help with behavior issues, OCD issues and language development in little ones with Fragile X.  The study takes place in Sacramento, CA starting in February 2014. Desperate for some changes in Liam, I thought I would ask his Pediatrician here in New Braunfels if she could go ahead and write the prescription for us.  I did not want to wait until February to start the medicine and then not knowing if we were in the real drug or the placebo.  The study is six months long.  Long story short...I did not want to wait another year before we find something that works for Liam.  Thankfully, his pediatrician wrote the prescription for us.  Liam has now been on Zoloft for almost four weeks. Is it a coincidence that Liam has started to make sounds on command...?  I don't know...maybe it's all the hard work we put in and he's now picking up on it?

It can take up to eight weeks for Zoloft to take full affect.  In the next month hopefully we see even more changes.

Last week Liam went to Neurologist to see what options we have to slow his brain down just a bit (ADHD).  He is a little on the hyper side and has very little focus.  We want Liam to get everything he can out of his therapy sessions and in order to do that he needs to be able to focus a bit more. We decided to give Zoloft the eight weeks and reevaluate in two months.  In the meantime, the doctor gave us some prescription options that I am researching.  Who knew all the medication out there! It can be very overwhelming.

Liam is starting school two times a week this fall.  Only for about three hours a day but it'll be good for him and me.  He'll get the structure he needs in a school setting. Liam seems to do very well with change so I'm not too concerned with him going to a new school. He's pretty laid back. Besides school twice a week he'll still be getting behavioral therapy, speech therapy and therapeutic horseback riding. He'll also be receiving speech, physical therapy and occupational therapy while at school. Whatever it takes right?!  I just know the more we do now the better he'll be when he's older.

Oh...and Liam is officially in a big boy bed.  He really loves his new bed! The transition has been fairly smooth. Sometimes I walk into his room with all his dresser drawers empty and books everywhere but hey..what can ya do?!

Goodbye crib

hello bed

As for me, I'm hanging in there.  The past couple months have been pretty rough for me when it comes to dealing with Liam.  A lot of emotions.  I have quite a few good days and some not so good days. I know that it is a process.  The process of grieving my baby boy.  I know it will get easier as time goes on.  Just trying to stay positive. I know that Liam will surprise us all with what he's going to do and what he'll become.  Even will all the Fragile X stuff, I'm grateful that Liam is a healthy, happy kiddo. I'm thankful for john who works so hard to make sure me and Liam always have everything we need and more. 

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