Liam has been doing very well lately. He really is getting stronger and stronger every day. Since I posted last Liam has started going to a new Speech Therapist and Behavioral Therapist.
The Speech Therapist, Renee uses a completely different approach than any other speech therapist he's had in the past. During the evaluation I just knew that she understood Liam and what needs to be done to see progress. The therapy is called
talk tools and right now we are focusing on oral placement. We are starting the process of the straw hierarchy, blowing horns, bubbles and chewing properly. Liam's low tone really effects the way he eats and uses his tongue so we are working on strengthening those muscles. His therapist gives us plenty of homework. We usually see the speech therapist once a week but she travels all over the world but when we can fit in two times a week we try too. Liam will talk soon...we just know it.
Liam's Behavioral Therapist, Ashley is amazing. She comes to our house every Tuesday and sometimes meets us at the speech therapist. She is the one who told us about Renee. In actuality I am Liam's number one therapist so while the therapists are teaching Liam, I have to implement what is taught the rest of the days of the week. Ashley is so wonderful in making sure I understand Liam's behavior. Every parent should have an Ashley. :-) Aggression and behavior issue are more common in boys with Fragile X so we are very lucky to have Ashley helping us with Liam at an age of 2 1/2. We are getting a great head start.
Liam still loves going to church. Everyone loves him there. He's the "door man". As in the little boy who loves doors. :-) He even gets a special buddy during class to give him extra attention and help keep an eye on him. Liam will also be starting school this fall. Oh my goodness! Since Liam turns three in July he can no longer be in the early intervention program so he gets transferred to the school system. He'll receive speech. occupational and physical therapy though the state at our elementary school. Liam really is a busy little boy and I'm a busy momma. ;) We are so blessed that we are able to get Liam everything he needs. Blessed that I have a wonderful hubby and Liam has an amazing daddy who works hard and loves us!
One last little update. Tomorrow is my first appointment to start the process of us having another baby (God willing). We will be starting the process of genetic testing and hopefully IVF. I will be sure to keep you updated on all of the changes that are going on in our lives.
Hope all is well with you all.
God bless.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11